Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My Example, My Hero, My Friend

For my first blog entry ever, I decided to dedicate it to my the person that actually inspired me to start blogging, although he doesn't know it. I was reading his blog entry that he e-mailed to me and realized that I too wanted to be able to have a forum to voice my opinion and express my thoughts as eloquently as he had done.
While his blog was my inspiration for blogging, it is not the only thing that has been inspired by this Giant of a man. While growing up I always looked upon him as the ideal man, father and friend. I still do.
His spiritual stature amazes me. Part of the reason I am writing about him is because of something that happened last week. It hasn't left my mind since I heard it. During a business trip in Florida, my hero placed a Book of Mormon while running in the work out room. Amazing, considering the many things that must be occupying his mind. Even more amazing is the fact that it is the fourth business trip in a row that he has come home bookless. I can only hope to be that strong someday.
His example in managing a successful life (his family, his career, his spirituality, his health, and his recreational activities) is more than commendable. With each passing day I gain more and more respect for what he has done. I am coming to know, and will know more in two week when I marry my love Allie, what he has handled so well for the past almost twenty six years.
He has been a source of comfort, along with my wonderful mother, my whole life. I can remember being in the MTC and daily tattooing the word "Padre" on my hand. It reminded me what I wanted to become and the example I had to look to. In the mission I looked forward to the weekly e-mail for some firsthand insight into the problems I faced everyday. I am honored to have served in the land where he served years earlier.
I could go on for days. I guess I just want to say thanks to my hero, my example, and my friend.


It just seemed like a good way to start out.


  1. It was a great way to start out and dad and I both have something in our eye right now. This was a wonderful tribute and we feel very proud and grateful that we have such a son. Love you!

  2. Hey Alex, I just found you through Allie's blog and had to tell you that I think this is a beautiful post. Your dad is a great man! Thanks for sharing, what an example! :) Hope everything is going well for you and your fabulous wife! You two are awesome!
